Paulin Riemann


Paulin studied chemistry at Freie Universität Berlin where she received her BSc degree in 2023. Her thesis covered the synthesis of highly silylated ferrocenes in the group of Dr. Moritz Malischewski.

Paulin joined the Dumele group for a reserch internship as part of her Master’s program, in which she is currently enrolled at FU Berlin.


Phone: +49 (0)761 203-6033

Lab: 02.011a

Short CV

since 2025 Research Internship with Prof. Oliver Dumele, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
2024 Research Internship with Dr. Alberto Pérez-Bitrián, Humboldt University Berlin
since 2023 Student Assistant in the group of Dr. Moritz Malischewski, Freie Universität Berlin
since 2023 M.Sc. studies in Chemistry, Freie Universität Berlin
2023 Bachelor’s Thesis with Dr. Moritz Malischewski, Freie Universität Berlin
since 2022 Teaching Assistant in Inorganic Chemistry, Freie Universität Berlin
2019–2023 B. Sc. studies in Chemistry, Freie Universität Berlin