Physical Organic Chemistry
Physical Organic Chemistry (not taught at the moment)
The objectives of this course are
– to apply quantum chemical principles to organic reactions
– to gain a detailed understanding of reaction mechanisms (fundamentals)
– to learn about tools to decipher reaction mechanisms
– broaden the scope of reactivity for advanced organic synthesis with a focus on orbital symmetry-controlled reactions

Information & Schedule
1) In-person live lectures. TIME/ROOM
2) In-person Problem-solving sessions.TIME/ROOM. Students present the solutions to current problem sets on the blackboard. Please prepare your solutions accordingly.
3) Additional content via XXX. Materials will be uploaded to the XXX page.
Winter Lecture Period:
Lecture: …
Problem Sets: ….
Exam: …

Pfof. Dr. Oliver Dumele
Oliver teaches the lecture.
His laboratory works on synthetic chemistry for advanced porous materials.
Outline of the Lecture:
Lecture | Date | Topic |
1. | x | Introduction and Review of Concepts |
2. | x | Conformational Analysis I |
3. | x | Conformational Analysis II |
4. | x | Diastereoselective Reactions and Ring Closures |
5. | x | Thermochemistry and Kinetics |
6. | x | Tools to decipher reaction mechanisms |
7. | x | Molecular Orbital Theory |
8. | x | Aromaticity and Anti-aromaticity / Annulenes (I) |
9. | x | Aromaticity and Anti-aromaticity / Annulenes (II) |
10. | x | Pericyclic Reactions / Theory |
11. | x | Cycloadditions & Cycloreversions |
12. | x | Electrocyclizations and Retro-Electrocyclizations |
13. | x | Sigmatropic Shifts |
14. | x | Rearrangements and Cheletropic Reactions |
15. | x | Coarctate reactions / Photochemistry |
16. | x | buffer |
Link: xxx
Recommended Textbooks & Literature
The recommended literature for this course will be the combination of five textbooks:
1. Pierre Vogel, Kendall N. Houk: “Organic Chemistry — Theory, Reactivity and Mechanism in Modern Synthesis”, Wiley-VCH, 2019
– hard copies at the library
– at Amazon, ca. 89 EUR.
2. Eric V. Anslyn, Dennis A. Dougherty: “Modern Physical Organic Chemistry”, University Science Books: Sausalito, 2005
– the online-(PDF)version is not officially available. Maybe you can acquire it from somewhere.
– 8 hard copies at the library
3. Ian Fleming: “Molecular Orbitals and Organic Chemical Reactions”, 1st Ed., Wiley: Chichester, 2010.
a) Online PDF for download: Shorter Student Edition:
b) Online PDF for download: Longer “Reference Edition”, with extra details and many references to experimental evidence (research papers):
c) in addition, there is 1 hard copy of the German Version: „Molekülorbitale und Reaktionen organischer Verbindungen“ at the library.
4. Igor V. Alabugin, “Stereoelectronic Effects – A Bridge Between Structure and Reactivity”, Wiley 2016
Free PDF download for students via university network (or VPN):
5. Hendrik Zipse, “Reactivity and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry”, Shaker Verlag 2019
ISBN: 978-3-8440-6753-8
– 5 books are available in the library