Takuma received his BSc degree at Hiroshima University (Japan) in 2022, where he first developed his interest in organic photochemistry. He then continued his studies at the same university working on multi-radical systems to receive his MSc degree in 2024. In April 2024, he joined the DumeleLab at the University of Freiburg to pursue his PhD studies.


Phone +49 (0) 761 203-6033

Mail: takuma.miyamura …@… oc.uni-freiburg.de

Short CV

since 2024PhD student at Freiburg University with Prof. Oliver Dumele
2022–2024Master thesis with Prof. Manabu Abe at Hiroshima University (Japan)
2022–2024MSc studies at Hiroshima University (Japan)
2022–2023Teaching assistant in organic chemistry practical course, Hiroshima University (Japan)
2021–2022Bachelor thesis with Dr. Youhei Chitose and Prof. Abe, Hiroshima University (Japan)
2018–2022BSc studies in Chemistry, Hiroshima University (Japan)